daniele piazzola wins the make it odd contest
Discovering new talented individuals in design and fashion alike, is a priority pursued by Istituto Marangoni through a wide array of initiatives, often promoted in collaboration with special partners. It is the case of Make It Odd (Take It Home), the international design contest announced for the second consecutive year by Istituto Marangoni and Cappellini; for the conception of a piece of furniture characterised by innovative aesthetics, functionality, or materials. As a prize, a scholarship offered by Cappellini to attend the Italian Furniture and Product Design Master's Course starting in October at Istituto Marangoni The Milano School of Design.
This year's winner - chosen by a prestigious jury chaired by Giulio Cappellini and including Massimo Zanatta, Cristina Morozzi, and Sergio Nava, professor of the Product Design course – is Daniele Piazzola, a young Italian designer, who presented Sbircio, an original and versatile cable box, which can be easily moved around, is 360-degree accessible, and can be placed on the floor or on the wall, alone or in a totem-like superposition of modules.
Resulting from an intensive aesthetic simplification, the project draws inspiration from Daniele Piazzola's childhood memories, imitating a cardboard box that has been put out of shape to peep at its contents; an explicit call for curiosity, the emotion chosen by the young designer as the centre of his work.
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