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WePlanet in partnership with Flaminia

It is now clear to everyone: our planet is suffering and needs help right now. It is sending many signals, which each of us can perceive in different ways. What is certain is that we can no longer ignore them; we must act now and together. We need global, strong and decisive action. All the people of the Earth should put aside their misunderstandings and work together to ensure a better future for the Planet, and therefore for all of us.

The bandages in the project are meant to represent this: an attempt to heal our ailing planet. It is a multi-handed project, bringing together different cultures with a shared goal: to save the Earth, now!

Prisma Project is a group of young talented Alumni from the Istituto Marangoni Milano Design School. The school supports the group and promotes collaboration between its members and several Italian design brands.

Founded in 2016 by Sergio Nava, currently Director of Education at Istituto Marangoni Milano The School of Design, the group has successfully completed multiple projects for the industry and won several internationally recognised awards.

The members of the group come from different parts of the world and combine their international background with the knowledge and understanding of the design industry acquired during their academic careers at Istituto Marangoni Milano Design School.

Istituto Marangoni recognises the potential of the Prisma Project and supports the group by creating new job opportunities to show the world the talent of these young designers.

Currently the group consists of 13 members from 8 different countries: Gustavo Martini (Brazil), Terence Coton (France), Matteo Agati (Italy), Giulio Masciocchi (Italy), Malika Novi (Russia),Yuetong Shi (China), Maria Camilla Scalfi (Italy), Mauricio Salgado  (Messico), InDue (Italy - Chiara Castagnola and Martina Ivaldi), Christopher Tanihaha (Indonesia), Daniela Del Mar Gomez (Colombia) and Giorgia Apreia (Italy).