The winner of I’M Alumni Collections ®evolution’s second edition is Tianyi Li: the innovative mentoring project launched by Isituto Marangoni in 2017 and aimed to support Alumni’s talent and creativity, will give Tianyi the opportunity to realize her S/S19 collection and present it in September 2018, during Milan Fashion Week.
Istituto Marangoni will be responsible for the complete supervision, organization and execution of the project, from outfits production costs to implementation of an hoc PR campaign till the realization of the collection presentation event, becoming the founder of a unique initiative in the world of fashion education.
The young designer, after completing her Master’s Degree in Fashion Design Womenswear at The London School of Fashion in 2016, worked for prestigious fashion houses, including Jasper Garvida, Gareth Pugh and Alexander McQueen before becoming a Design Assistant at Éthologie and moving to Ellis Bridals.
These opportunities allowed her to acquire in-depth knowledge of the design, research and development processes behind new collections, and to gain important professional experience: all the above, together with the originality of her SS19 collection proposal and her avant-garde creative style, represented a key factor for the Jury final choice, who unanimously voted for Tianyi Li.
Tianyi Li will also be supported after the fashion show: from September onwards, the collection will be promoted during international events and will be available on the leading e-commerce platform Luisaviaroma, partner of the project.
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