milano unica and comon
Talent was the key note of two events that make the pursuit of excellence in fashion their raison d'etre: Milano Unica and ComOn. Former Istituto Marangoni student Debora Pasetti, who graduated in 2013, shone in both events when she presented her collection made of seven outfits inspired by France.
In Milano Unica, held from 10th to 12th September at the Milan Fair, the works of students from the most important Italian fashion universities were displayed, inspired by six different countries and their aesthetics: US, Japan, India, Russia, China and France. Then from 9th to 27th October, Istituto Marangoni fashion school of Milano took part in the ComOn project in Como in the former church of St. Francesco.
The aim of the project was to encourage young people to learn more about excellence in textiles, design and art. The exhibition, organized annually by the Association of Industries of Como, hosted the same fashion schools that had participated in Milano Unica. On both occasions, Istituto Marangonirepresented France through Debora Pasetti’s outfits.
The project comON was founded in 2008 by Larian, a group of entrepreneurs, who with the support of Confindustria Como, gave life to a true "hub of European creativity" in Como, one that crystallizes the best talent from the most prestigious design schools and promotes the cross-fertilization of ideas with young local students, local producers and the culture at large by capitalizing on the deeply-rooted Italian passion for the arts.
ComON Fashion Talents was set up with this same agenda of promoting and disseminating creativity. A real creative reality, it involved the most important universities and schools of Italian style (Politecnico di Milano, New Academy of Fine Arts of Milan, European Institute of Design in Milan, Institute Secoli of Milan, Istituto Marangoni in Milan, Aldo Galli Academy of Como).
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