
Sabrina Mandelli is Creative Director of SSHEENA, a fashion project established in Milan in 2018. Her background, as well as her personal style coincide with her idea of fashion, contemporary, irreverent and "untamable."
During her high school education described as "very boring" a very attentive professor discovered her unconventional talent for drawing, which was expressed in a punk way on the walls of the high school Sabrina attended. She always had a fascination with fashion, although in her spare time she helped her father in his auto wrecking business, literally smashing cars. Wile attending Marangoni Fashion School in Milan, she began a fashion education that would initially lead her to designing men's collections. This resulting in her men's garments being chosen to open the school's end-of-year fashion show.
Her first experience was at Dolce & Gabbana, dealing with celebrities and dresses on demand, until she was called by Antonioli for a niche men's and women's brand, which she started designing together with other consultancies, always dreaming of her own project, which she starts to think about from the name. It is through Antonioli that she is signaled to design the women's collection - and initially also men's - for the brand created by an American designer, and this is how Sabrina gets to meet Virgil Abloh, igniting the concept and collections of Off-White. The creative relationship, which will last eight years, is for a long time only via WhatsApp, and Virgil gives her the utmost trust. She recalls, "I didn't know what to show him and Virgil told me, design whatever you want, as long as it's cool."