Istituto Marangoni Firenze and edgy magazine i-D join forces to bring to life a brand new project, #Tornabuoni_17, a series of appointments which will see today’s most popular influencers and designers discussing the latest trends in fashion, music, art and culture. Each month, until Jun 2019, the Firenze School of Fashion & Art will open its doors in Via Tornabuoni 17 to both its students and the public to host a workshop curated by a special guest.
#Tornabuoni_17 is a journey through the wonders of fashion and an invitation to think about how this industry should (and must) draw inspiration from the young generations.
It was fashion YouTuber Federico Barengo - his channel counts over 200K followers - to kick off the cycle of meetups on Jan 10 at 3pm during Pitti Uomo 95 with Unboxing Barengo. Born in 1994, Federico Barengo has become a streetwear icon and with his videos, he declares that personal style is the expression of oneself. His most popular vlogs ‘How much does your outfit cost?’ see him wandering Rome in search of the trendiest young passerby to interview.
At Istituto Marangoni Firenze, Federico discussed with fashion consultant Valerio Coretti about the future of fashion in relation to YouTube and the media in general, now that, inevitably, communication has gained a digital essence, exploring also the big theme of reselling.
The second appointment with #Tornabuoni_17 took place on March 14 and welcomed another popular YouTuber, Vladislav Kirillov. Vlad rose to (YouTube) stardom in Italy with a video titled ‘16 hours in queue for the Yeezy’ which received more than 100K views; from that moment, his channel Diario Del Russo continued to grow and now counts more than 200K followers.
Starting from his personal experience, Vladislav explained what it takes to become a successful YouTuber and turn a passion into a real profession within the wonderful world of streetwear. From the conversation between the YouTuber and Alessandro Benvenuti, content creator at Antonioli, it emerged that what really makes the difference is, first of all, to listen to your audience, and then to reach enough views to attract brands to collaborate and sign partnerships with.
To participate to the next events, send an email to tornabuoni17@gmail.com
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