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Visual Design Projects

Sentient Horizons Degree Show 2024

The Visual Design department has focused on the latest changes in visual culture, referring to images and visual experiences designed to be explored, not just touched and looked at.

"Deep Imaging" invokes the mind's third dimension of space as it applies to environments that outline a new horizon capable of scanning, perceiving, and interacting, ultimately engaging with human experience and its visionary opportunities.

Encoding visions, sounds, smells, tastes, surfaces ultimately means telling stories, as humans have done throughout their evolution, to shape cultures, knowledge, and experiences in a world yet to come.

"Usagi" by Evgeniia Kiseleva

Usagi it's a platform, a metaverse news hub which aims to start revolutionising and reshaping how we consume news, articles, and educational content.


"Auxilium" by Mariia Genkina

Auxilium is a role-playing game that takes users through a stunning interplanetary journey aiming to raise awareness on environmental issues while raising money to support green plans.


"Fuseform" by Elena Tittarelli

Fuseform is an App that provides unlimited high personalized workouts and dance choreography, utilizing AI technology.