The Course

Interior Design

Living through design
Avocational Level Courses

Interior designing is an exciting way to use your creative mind. These short Interior Design courses enable participants to gain key skills, and explore the inspiring world of contemporary interior design.



Starting from basic drawing skills for design, alongside the configuration of space, the choice of materials, colors and finishes, participants have the opportunity to discover more advanced technical drawing skills in order to create furniture layouts and choose and specify products, including for example how to incorporate lighting and control illumination. Mood boards, color palettes, and material boards are created to further define project ideas and assist in creating effective project renderings.
Alongside creative design skills, all courses are designed to encourage and guide participants in developing a critical and analytical approach that will allow them to interpret specific projects and provide the foundations for their own innovative and creative solutions.
The aim of these courses is to introduce participants to the exciting world of interiors by focusing on key interior design methods and skills, and provide a pragmatic experience in contemporary interior design for their own use in their home and office.
These four short courses are for personal enrichment and enjoyment, avocational courses offered in a series of four (4) distinct levels ranging from a foundation introductory level, working through to a higher comprehension of skill and study. This enables a ‘flexible learning experience’ for participants to select and build on their own experience and personal achievement. We hope you enjoy this new life experience.

Avocational courses available in Interior Design:

Interior Architectural Design Fundamentals • 12 weeks
This course introduces participants to the fundamental components of an interior project including space, form, and design elements. Basic representation and expression skills will be developed including hand drawing and sketching, as well as primary software programs for CAD technical drawing. Participants will also study the history of art, design and visual culture, to encourage creative thinking and increase their overall appreciation of the field.

Interior Design, Projects & Process • 12 weeks
In this course participants will be guided in developing an interior design project Ideas and inspiration will be managed through a controlled process to meet your needs while also considering a contemporary approach to trends and research. Suitable colors, materials and finishes will also be explored and selected for your personal projects. An introduction to 3-dimensional drawing in CAD together with hand-drawn coloring and rendering techniques will assist in the presentation of ideas.
Contemporary Interior Design • 12 weeks
This course looks at the real ‘concept’ behind interior design projects. Participants are taught analytical and interpretive skills in relation to different interior environments for example: office space and residential projects. They investigate contemporary interior locations analyzing space, function, and style, and from a solid practical design base will be guided in creating their own conceptual proposals by applying more advanced visual communication and design skills.

Interior Design Experience • 12 weeks
This course allows participants to develop an interior space they would like to live or work in that is focused on a sensorial and experiential vision. Participants investigate the idea of ‘wellbeing’ in design, and the influence and impact of design features on human behavior. All design elements will be guided and controlled in a holistic approach that harmoniously balances personal ideas and style with technical requirements. The integration of illumination and lighting as an essential interior design element will be examined and conceptually integrated into their own individual project proposals and illustrated through final project drawings.

To complement the knowledge provided in the 12-week avocational courses, participants also have the opportunity to study intensive Italian Language Training. Face-to-face language learning will enhance their understanding of the elements of “Italianness”, and the relationship to the concept of luxury within the fashion industry. The 3-month Italian language-training program is delivered via a natural ‘conversational’ methodology that is appropriate for beginners and non-native Italian speakers.

Are you interested in one of the courses?