The Course

Fashion Business & Digital Marketing Intensive

Digitalizing marketing practices in fashion
Avocational Level Courses

For those with limited time available, this accelerated Fashion Business & Digital Marketing course provides the technical and theoretical concepts related to digital marketing for fashion. Participants explore the key skills necessary that define the digital marketing plan for fashion and luxury companies, create communication and omni-channel strategies, and understand how to put them into action. Management, social media, content management, brand storytelling, merchandising and buying are just some of the elements that make a successful business and digital marketing manager.
In this program participants discover how through understanding the product development of a collection, familiarizing themselves with some of the key sales channels for brand positioning, and being introduced to the main indicators for measuring financial performance, companies can determine the best strategies to optimize the economic, production, distribution, and digital aspects of the brand.
Taking a fashion collection or luxury product from the design studio through to omni-channel distribution is a complex operation working in collaboration with design, production, and sales teams.



This accelerated fashion course covers the main processes involved in collection and retail distribution, including a study of the target audience, and the importance of price brackets on sales performance. The power of communication, the seduction of the brand and the creation of ‘aspirational desire’ in fashion products are also investigated in relation to brand storytelling, digital PR and visual display in both traditional and online media. The participants explore key digital marketing channels and look at the relevant tools necessary to communicate a bespoke authentic, aspirational, and emotional message, aimed at sustaining and consolidating the brand image.


Through touching on new sustainable marketing attitudes evolving today in the fashion and luxury industries, and the ever-growing role of technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, the participant more than ever understands the interactive customer experience and journey. At the end of this intensive course participants can apply the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in business and fashion management to enhancing their own digital marketing agenda.


  • Marketing communication channels
  • Digital marketing & new media
  • Principles of business and management in fashion
  • Fashion PR, promotion and brand storytelling
  • Key aspects of fashion buying, merchandising and visual display


  • Fashion marketing manager
  • Social media manager
  • Fashion merchandiser
  • Fashion communication manager
  • Fashion omni-channel manager
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